0 492 -A letter to the future, 2:22, 222impact.com, Ayelet Segal -A letter to the future 2:22, Mental Health, simplesme 222 Ayelet Segal -A letter to the future 2:222022-08-282024-06-23https://222impact.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/logo-222impact.webp222 impacthttps://222impact.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/img-20220612-wa0038-2.jpg200px200pxRecommended PostsMirit ARAZI Fadlon – developed the map of emotion how to get out of the loopShavit Or – in the midst of an operational activity in Gaza in the mid-90s, decided to blow up a stun grenade on himself rather than kill a mother and child in an operation. One of the strongest stories.Ran Green – a multidisciplinary visionary artist – has written 25 children’s books in 3 yearsDorit Shnevell – Once I connected my heart and my mind together, I realized that bad choices make us sick. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ